Marine Investigations
KEI has performed numerous multidisciplinary marine investigations that have included baseline studies as well as impact assessments for both industrial clients and regulatory agencies. Some of these studies were very large-scale, multiyear programs led by large firms where KEI played a key role in the success of the project. Investigations have included physical and chemical oceanography; marine biology; sediment dynamics; water and sediment characterization; toxicity evaluations; and bioaccumulation testing. Many of these investigations have focused on assessment of potential impacts from marine development including oil and gas operations, wastewater discharges and outfall construction, marine terminals, and ports and harbors.
Oceanographic moorings
Meteorological monitoring
Zooplankton and ichthyoplankton
Benthic infauna and epifauna
Intertidal communities
Hard-bottom communities
Marine mammal observations
Sediment transport and dynamics
Forensic chemistry in water, sediments, and tissues
Marine toxicity and bioaccumulation
Water and sediment quality
KEI’s monitoring expertise includes current meter studies; water column profiling; dye dilution assessments; moorings construction and deployment; diver and ROV surveys; boat and barge operations; and the collection and analysis of water, sediment, and micro/macro organisms. KEI has performed this work throughout California in near- and offshore waters as well as in Alaska in both the Arctic and sub-Arctic regions.