KEI has broad data management and analysis capabilities to support the interpretation of scientific data from chemical, biological, toxicological, ecological, and oceanographic studies. We perform univariate and multivariate statistical analyses and employ other quantitative methods to delineate impacts, define benthic community structures, assess trends, test device effectiveness, and determine baseline conditions in marine and aquatic habitats. These analyses are accomplished using office software and data analysis programs that are developed in-house or in commercially developed applications such as SAS, NCSS, and others. KEI has managed databases of multi-year sampling programs for numerous clients that require their data to be submitted to publicly available government data archives, such as California’s CEDEN.
KEI also develops Appsheet-based applications used for field data collection and analysis. These project-specific apps allow managers to oversee field operations in real time with customizable views and notifications, as well as with automatically emailed and archived field log sheets. These electronic forms ensure the integrity of field-collected measurement data and allow for immediate review in case anomalies occur, such as during storm event monitoring. Data visualization tools and website integration features also enable clients to track project progress without the need for status updates or reports.
Custom AppSheet mobile application for field multiparameter sonde calibration
Surfside-sunset compatability plots
Custom AppSheet mobile application for field multiparameter sonde calibration
Methods and Products
Statistical analysis of environmental data including graphical presentation and interpretation (data mining, regression, ANOVA, & ANCOVA (e.g., parametric and non-parametric), multivariate analyses, technical graphs such as box-and-whisker)
Statistical analysis of chemistry and toxicity data (e.g., t-tests including Welch’s TST, Paired Prentice-Wilcoxon, Kaplan-Meier, ROS)
Time series analysis (spectra, autocorrelation, phase, coherence)
Benthic community statistics (e.g., cluster analyses, Bray-Curtis dissimilarity)
Comprehensive data analysis for sediment quality objectives and multiple lines of evidence (MLOE) studies
Nearshore current meter, CTD profiling, and oceanographic data processing, (e.g., profile analysis, tidal analysis, mean current direction, current and wind roses)
GIS and AutoCAD mapping and presentation (maps, geodatabases, site reconnaissance)
Data validation, verification, and QA/QC, using the standard of Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program (SWAMP) comparability where applicable
Standardized data submittals such as CEDEN, SMARTS, DMMO, and SEDD
Critique of experimental results and senior review of reports.
Design and implementation of user software interfaces for custom monitoring systems
Mobile and desktop applications for data collection, storage and visualization